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Writer's pictureThe Dreamweaver

Big in Japan | The Dreamweaver

Updated: Jan 13, 2021

I was performing in a play at a theatre in Japan. On opening night, I was approached by the company director who asked me if I would like the honor of introducing the mayor of the city prior to our performance.

I was then introduced to the mayor and had the chance to ask him some questions that would be relative to my introducing him later that evening.

I then took a seat in the house to begin writing out my introduction.

Before I knew it, one of my fellow actors came over to me in full costume and make-up telling me I'd lost track of time and needed to get into costume and meet with the rest of the company backstage.

Just then, panic set in as I remembered how bad I was at learning and memorizing my lines and that I was sure to flop at the premiere which was just an hour or so from commencing.

Suddenly, I had the idea of finding someone who could stand in the wings and prompt me if and when I forgot my lines, which I certainly would do.

Realizing I was in Japan and that it was unlikely I'd find anyone I knew, the audience started to fill the hall and I noticed a familiar face, my boyhood friend Joel, who was taking a seat in the first row with his wife.

I went over to Joel and asked if he'd remembered me when he reminded me that we were re-united in Amsterdam a few years back after more than 35 years without seeing each other.

I told Joel of my predicament and he said he'd be more than happy to help me out.

I took him back stage and grabbed a copy of the script from a podium where the stage manager stood and handed it to Joel.

Then I woke up.

[Photo: My boyhood friend, Joel, and I, in Amsterdam, April 2013 and Chicago, c. 1975]

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